Remember Mighty Max? It was a toyline from the 1990s, manufactured by Bluebird Toys, where a young boy in a red cap had to battle monsters. Not sure if the toys or the animated series were first, as I were only interested in the toys. Anyway, I came across some of the toys and felt I just had to write something about it. These things were fricking AWESOME! They sure knew how to make toys back then.

The lineup consisted of a huge lot of monster heads – ranged between small 4 inch ones, to huge 15 inch ones – which could be opened to feature some pretty detailed worlds inside. Complete with  a Mighty Max figure and a few monster figures to go with it.


I remember is how I gazed upon my first Mighty Max playset (Mighty Max defeats Vampbiter, the bat/vampire one) in a a local toy store, on the hunt for a gift for a friend’s birthday. I was like 7 or 8. My dad bought it, and I was soooo sad since I wanted it for myself. In the end my mom had to buy something else for my friend, whereas I got the Vampbiter for myself. Yeah, I probably was a bit spoiled. But this started a toy era for me, where I pretty much only played with these kinds of toys for probably five years.

This sure takes me back.

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